📄️ Hello World
Choosing a Compiler
📄️ Building C++ Code Manually
In this section, we have five objectives:
📄️ Building C++ with CMake
Now that we have seen how to compile C++ code manually, we will discuss
📄️ C++ Basic Syntax
In this section, we will discuss some basic concepts of C and C++.
📄️ C++ Style and Documentation
This section introduces a style guide for consistently phrasing and documenting
📄️ C++ Classes
In this section, we will discuss the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP)
📄️ C++ References and Pointers
C++ has various ways to pass data and manage memory. This section goes
📄️ C++ Data Structures
The objective of this section is to provide an overview of the capabilities and
📄️ Singleton
A singleton is used to provide a single instance of a class and a way
📄️ Factory Design Pattern
The Factory pattern is used to provide a common interface to construct
📄️ Mixins
Mixins are a design pattern which combines the functionality of multiple classes into a single class. No two mixins can have a method or variable by the same name. Mixins are the best way to handle multiple inheritance as they avoid conflicts in namespaces.
📄️ Unit Testing in C++
a) Why is Testing Important?