Can I login with a password?
No. we only allow login via ssh keys. Send your public ssh key to the Ares system admin
I can login to the headnode, I can make a slurm reservation, but when I try to ssh to said node I get "permission denied"
You need to make the SSH keys for your $USER
. You can do this the same way you did using ssh-keygen
. Use the default key name and leave it without the password.
This is the key that you/your apps/mpi will use to ssh to the node.
Finally, run cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Why can’t I login with correct credentials?
Ares uses fail2ban to block offensive hosts to secure the server. Any IP that fails to login 5 times in the last 50 days will be blocked from accessing Ares for 24h. If you are blocked, please contact the system admin to unblock yourself.
How to solve “Too many authentication failures error”?
It might be caused by too many SSH keys on your machine. You can try to add "-o IdentitiesOnly=yes" to your SSH command or client.
How to allocate nodes for my test?
Slurm is the workload and resource manager in Ares. You must have an active job on nodes to be able to access any nodes. Here are some example commands, please check the slurm cheat sheet for more details about slurm. Please notice that the nodes are identified by the hostnames for low-speed networks (e.g., ares-comp-01). Hostnames for high-speed networks are not used by SLURM.
Check node status : sinfo
Check node status with a better look : smap
Check job queue : squeue
Cancel allocated job : scancel JOBID
Allocate a job without opening a new shell (this is recommended since the job will not be revoked after accidentally exiting the allocated shell) : salloc -N 1 --no-shell
Allocate a job with 4 specific compute nodes : salloc -N 4 -p compute --nodelist=ares-comp-[8-10,13] --no-shell
Allocate a job with 16 tasks on 4 nodes (other jobs may be allocated on the same nodes) : salloc -n 16 -N 4 --no-shell
Current wall time limit of a job is 48h. By default, a job will be terminated 48h after it starts. If you need to extend your running job, please contact the System Admin