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Program Execution

from import Exec

Exec is used to execute a binary program as a subprocess in Python. Exec can be used for local, remote, or parallel execution of code. Exec is currently a wrapper around the following libraries:

  1. Subprocess: executes a program locally on a machine. We use shell=True here. The intention is to be equivalent to a bash script.
  2. SSH: executes a program remotely using SSH. This has only been tested on Linux. It is equivalent to executing "ssh" in the terminal.
  3. Parallel SSH (PSSH): executes a program on multiple remote hosts. Relies upon the SSH module.
  4. Message Passing Interface (MPI): executes a program in parallel using MPI. Only tested over MPICH at this time.

Exec has a simple syntax. It takes as input a command (cmd) and how the command should be executed (exec_info). For example, exec_info can be used to represent executing the command in parallel using MPI or locally on a machine using subprocess.

from import Exec
Exec(cmd, exec_info)

Exec can be called with only specifying "cmd". In this case, the command will be executed locally. It's output will be printed to the terminal.

from import Exec


ExecInfo stores all information which may be needed to execute a command with a particular protocol. This includes information such as the location of private/public keys, hostfiles, environment variables. ExecInfo also includes parameters for collecting output from commands.

ExecInfo(exec_type=ExecType.LOCAL, nprocs=None, ppn=None,
user=None, pkey=None, port=None, hostfile=None, env=None,
sleep_ms=0, sudo=False, cwd=None, hosts=None,
collect_output=None, pipe_stdout=None, pipe_stderr=None,
hide_output=None, exec_async=False, stdin=None)

Specifying execution method (e.g., SSH vs MPI)

There are many ways to execute a command: Subprocess, SSH, etc. To specify this, there is an enum with all currently supported methods. The supported methods are:

  1. ExecType.LOCAL
  2. ExecType.SSH
  3. ExecType.PSSH
  4. ExecType.MPI

Setting exec_type will spawn the command using the particular approach. By default, exec_type is ExecType.LOCAL.

Managing output from commands

ExecInfo has three parameters for collecting output from commands:

  1. collect_output: Whether to store the output from the command in a buffer in Python. Will impact memory utilization if the command has large output. This is False by default.
  2. pipe_stdout: Store stdout in a file. By default, this is None.
  3. pipe_stderr: Store stderr in a file. By default, this is None.
  4. hide_output: Don't print output.

Unlike typical subprocess, you can perform any combination of these. Output can be collected at the same time it's being printed. This is particularly useful if you have a long-running process you want to collect output from AND ensure is still progressing. This is accomplished by spawning two threads: one for collecting stderr, and another for collecting stdout.

Asynchronous execution

ExecInfo enables the ability to execute a command asynchronously. This is particularly useful for running a daemon. For example, deploying a storage system requires the storage system to run as a service. This can cause the program to block forever unless asynchronous execution is enabled. Async execution is specified using the exec_async=True.


from import Exec
from import LocalExecInfo

The simplest way to execute a program locally is as follows:

from import Exec
node = Exec('echo hello')

This will print "hello" to the console.

However, if more control is needed, a LocalExecInfo contains many helpful paramters. The following demonstrates various examples of outputs:

from import Exec
from import LocalExecInfo

# Will ONLY print to the terminal
node = Exec('echo hello', LocalExecInfo(collect_output=False))
# Will collect AND print to the terminal
node = Exec('echo hello', LocalExecInfo(collect_output=True))
# Will collect BUT NOT print to the terminal
node = Exec('echo hello', LocalExecInfo(collect_output=True,
# Will collect, pipe to file, and print to terminal
node = Exec('echo hello', LocalExecInfo(collect_output=True,

To execute a program asynchronously, one can do:

from import Exec
from import LocalExecInfo

node = Exec('echo hello', LocalExecInfo(exec_async=True))


The following code will execute the "hostname" command on the local host using SSH.

from import Exec
from import SshExecInfo

node = Exec('hostname', SshExecInfo(hosts='localhost'))


The following code will execute the "hostname" command on all machines in the hostfile

from import Exec
from import PsshExecInfo

node = Exec('hostname', PsshExecInfo(hostfile="/tmp/hostfile.txt"))


The following code will execute the "hostname" command on the local machine 24 times using MPI.

from import Exec
from import MpiExecInfo

node = Exec('hostname', MpiExecInfo(hostfile=None,

The following code will execute the "hostname" command on 4 nodes (specified in hostfile) using MPI. "ppn" stands for processes per node.

from import Exec
from import MpiExecInfo

node = Exec('hostname', MpiExecInfo(hostfile="/tmp/hostfile.txt",